Pleasantview Journal

Friday, June 16, 2006


I'm not sure if this is normal or a blooper. I just happened to freeze the camera and his leg was turned in an odd way. Looks funny.

One sim is standing on top of the elevator. This happens a lot. It is a fast blink and the sim is through the top of the elevator and exits to their floor.

Bad Make Overs

Ivy C.

Dina Caliente (Goth)

A couple funny meditating faces.

Once the sim does this, then you can teleport them to other parts of your lot.

This sim sat down to meditate in the street. I figured the carpool would just get stuck behind the sim. Like is does when two sim are standing and talking in the street.
It didn't, it went through the sim.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Here is another fun little sim treat. I call them evil kites, because they look mad and have a tad bit of evil in them.

Here is a Diva (sim) flying a kite.
This is what happens in a very short time of putting the kite into the air. It looks like a new way for a sim to die by electric.

The evil kites are made on the toy work bench when a sim is in RED aspiration. I experiemented a long time trying to figure out why they were made at one time and not another. I thought it had to do with needs. Someone posted to one of the groups I'm on that it had to do with aspiration level. I tested it and found it to be the magic needed. When in red, they will randomly create the bad kite.

One of the neat things about having a clothing shop is the ability to pick outfits for currently non-playable sims. An easy way to re-dress sims you play on other lots, instead of sending them to shop on their own. Another fun twist is that you can also dress SERVO's in different clothes. Here are a few pictures of servos with different skins. I think of this as one of those fun, hidden treats that accidentally get discovered. Of course, it could be in the Prima Guide. But for me it was a hidden treat. Enjoy the sill servo pic's.

This is one of the servos on her home lot. The first time I load each lot, they are in the new skins. The will visit random lots in them too. After a while, they return to their normal robot look. Even so, they keep the look in the family picture when you load the house.

Monday, June 12, 2006

This is Burger Pops. A chain of burger shops that I've added to my game. It's on a 2x2 lot, with just a small restaurant set up. Very basic. The Pops in the name is a reference to a name for soda. Inspired by a discussion shared about different names for a soft drink. I was going to go with Pops Burgers, but that sounded to much like Pop was a dad. Someone else said it sounded like a burger on a stick. A silly name. The resturant is just one level. The upper level is just for decoration, so it doesn't look like a Burger Box. (snicker) That would have been a fun name too.

Just a house with a motorcycle in the driveway.

The higher part on the side is an elevator shaft. Its up there for when I need more room in the house.

Most of my houses tend to be at least 2 stories. The bottom floor is living area, kitchen, dinning, livingroom, nursery, bathroom (skill items). The 2nd floor is bedrooms and baths. Sims don't sneak off to that floor unless it is for sleep. No need to watch a sleeping sim, so during game play I can remain on the bottom floor unless it is to direct as sim to go to bed.

This neighborhood shot is from around week 4 or 5. It looks closer to the arrangement that I currently have. I moved all the community lots up on the hill next to the bridge (out of site). That allowed me to keep the playable lots in one easy to see chunk. The lots are in play order going up the street, then down, then up.... The empty lots are place holder lots for later sims in the individual family's. To help me play out a few family sims, I juggled the lots to have families together in sections. It helped me keep track of how many grandkids I had and how many I had to go to complete the 20 grand kid want.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

This is a snapshot of my retirement center. I figured the elders needed bright colors to help keep them full of spunk in final weeks. It may backfire and cause them to be over stimulated and grumpy. The color of each roof matches the color theme for that appartment. Each appartment has one double bedroom, bath, study that can be changed to a single bedroom, kitchen and living room. If I need to, I can lock a sim in their house until grim comes knocking on (or floating through) the door. I've not done that yet, but have not had a romance sim join the retirement house.

This is one of my favorite lots to play. Most of the sims that live here have completed all the points that they can. They are just waiting out the clock before they vacation with grimy and the girls. It is a nice break from dealing with babys, skills, and carpool. In the middle of the lot is a recreation area for the elders. A couple hot tubs for them to relax and tell each other the same old story's over and over again.

This is a small tidbit of my town at the start of week 7. I took a picture of an area of homes that I find a little more interesting than the normal box house's. The pink house in the middle is designed to look like a pink birthday cake. It is one of the homes I really enjoy playing. I got tired of all the houses looking basicaly the same so went wild with splashes of color and odd shapes. With a limitless amount of money with OFB, I feel free to give my sims some unusually flashy houses. It certainly adds a lot of spice to the game.

Get paid to potty, what a life. This is one of those weird things that happens with OFB. When you have a Home Business Lot, everyone on the lot gets credit for the money earned. (pointed out by Carl just a few days or weeks after OFB was released.)

Did you know there really isn't any mail in the mail box? It just sort of appears when they take their hand out. One day I was playing and wondered what the mail in the box looked like. SO I looked. I know that is an odd thing to wonder, but well I am my own kind of person.

This is an early picture of the Broke/Futa family. Brandi Broke is a family sim so I worked on her aspiration as quick as possible. She married Todd Futa an Uni Elder. So they were living only on her paycheck. Things were pretty tight for a while. There isn't enough chairs for the kids to set while they study. The Broke house ended up being the first house I played OFB. I opened up a home business lot and had them sell stuff. One of the kids had a gold cashier badge before she went to uni. That was before I realized that was suppose to be a hard badge to get.

Don reading a magazine. I didn't plan this but thought it made an interesting picture. The green (aspiration point) glasses while looking at the alien magazine.

This sim must be a knowledge sim who just can't get away from his music. He had the guitar stuck to him until I sent him to play a different guitar. Then it poofed back to its normal spot.

" I'm a guitar hero, I got stars in my eyes"

This is Nina Caliente setting down to eat a plate of food. It looks like the ghost is sniffing her food. He was leaving the chair that he was haunting, just at the right time.

This blooper makes me giggle everytime I see it. It was the result of a stuck sim at a guitar. One leaving and one tipping. It looks sort of like a cross dressing sim to me.

This was taken at a large birthday party. I happen to notice that one sims arm was in the middle of the others chest. It is a little creapy in a fun sim way. It makes me think of Aliens.

Darren drank elixir and had a blue glow for the rest of my time on the lot. It was gone the next time I went on the lot. (Darren asking Cassandra to marry him).

This is the only time I noticed a sim return from school with an arm out of place. Must have been a really interesting day at school or maybe she is just double jointed. I don't think it took her to long to get her arm back in place. I think I almost missed the shot it was that fast.

This is the most interesting kitchen fire I've had in the Sims2. You can see a pile of ash in the middle of the fire. I don't recall who died, but think it was the fireman. The burning spots on the floor were pee spots. I wonder what Sims eat that allows their bladder malfunction to burn. (rofl)

Here are a few bad make overs in my SIMS2 game. I let the sims walk around like this until they happen to get a good make over or I get bored of the funny face. When they get the bad makeover they seem to be aware it is bad. Other sims who see them don't seem to notice. I wonder why they don't point and laugh.

This is the view around week 3 or 4. I added OFB midway in week 4. There isn't any shops, so it has to be before that time.

This is a view of Pleasantview at the end of week 2. I graduated about 18 sims from Uni and blended them back into the neighborhood. The playable lots circle around Pleasantview's community lots.

Before I started, I changed the location of the homes in Pleasantview. I put them in a line in the order I planned to play them. The order I picked was highest networth to lowest. Later, I found out that the prima guide had a suggestion for order of play. If I had known, I would have gone with that order.