This is a small tidbit of my town at the start of week 7. I took a picture of an area of homes that I find a little more interesting than the normal box house's. The pink house in the middle is designed to look like a pink birthday cake. It is one of the homes I really enjoy playing. I got tired of all the houses looking basicaly the same so went wild with splashes of color and odd shapes. With a limitless amount of money with OFB, I feel free to give my sims some unusually flashy houses. It certainly adds a lot of spice to the game.
oh i like that, i have two houses that i always have my sims buy. i'm not one for building much so i built two houses with the help of a houseplans magazine - one under 20,000 and the other an expensive and big luxury house for rich families that keep expanding. i'm starting to get a little bored of the smaller house, so i might try my hand again at building.
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