Pleasantview Journal

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Cow Plant in ACTION

Lemonade Stand

Elders can sell lemonade just as well as kids.

Herb Oldie

This is Herb Oldie. He is one of the elders in the sim bin at the start of Pleasantview. He's a romance sim. (or was since he passed away)

It looks like he is crying at another sims grave. When I took the picture, I imagined it was his wife. The stone is a fortune plat stone and his wife was family. I suppose, it could have been one of his many loves.

I don't think sim ghosts cry for other dead sims. I think this happened to be the location that Herb received his visit from grim. Ghosts will return to their original death spot and cry, then jump into the ground. I didn't notice if he did that.

I thought it made an interesting storyline photo op. Sometimes you can stage storyline pictures by moving a sim around (moveobjects on). I'm unaware of anyway to move a ghost sim around to stage a storyline shot.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Ghost Chat

Have you ever seen a sim hang out with a ghost?

Here is a sim using her power to manipulate and takes a -15k hit to influence. In the next pictures, she earns a 30K Impossible want.

The -15k to influence is probably a glitch related to getting a certain perk and has nothing to do with the manipulate option. The picture makes it look like it could be, but it isn't the reason.

A newly adopted kid is teasing the biological toddler with a toy rocket.

She puts the rocket behind her back and laughs at the toddler trying to grab it

The toddlers older sister noticed. She stormed her like the rain would never stop. I should rename her thunderstorm the way she ran to defend the helpless toddler. I never saw the random teasing before and then the other kid sticking up for the toddler was too funny. I'm really glad I accidentally saw this. Has anyone else noticed an older kid teasing a toddler?

The last house I have to showcase. Again, one of my favorites to play. With the massive amount of money that can be made with OFB, there is lots of room to get creative with the sims living area. This house ended up being Alexander Goths and his descendents home.

This is a view of the house and pool area. I've made several pools with the hot tub in the middle. There is a walkway for sims to get to the hot tub without going into the pool.

3rd Floor. Storage area also used as a bar, love nest, and play room for the kids.

2nd floor. 2 Large bedrooms that exit to private balcony areas. A bathroom and living area with bar. I had a lot of fun creating the carpet design. Each room has its own color theme, but the entire floor is connected in the design.

1st floor. 1 large bedroom, nursery, study, entry, and kitchen.

A view of the backyard and pool area.

This one shows the bridge to the hot tub.

Orphanage Awaits

B I tried something new the other day. I decided to kill off a sim who had a child to see what would happen. After grimmy came and left, the social worker came and picked up the child. This was the pop up I got.

Monday, July 17, 2006

44K Red House

This house SCREAMS red. Lots and lots of red. It is a 44k lot. Comes with 2 red cars and more. (as is sleeps ten sims at a time)

3rd floor. Extra area for all those things that collect over the life of a family. Currently has a cowplant and candy machine.

2nd floor has 2 bedrooms and a bath. Large open are for individual creativity. Currenty houses some career rewards.

1st floor: Large study to the left (sleeps 4). To the right: living room with fireplace, bathroom and kitchen.

Another view of the first floor. Didn't notice the pink puff of smoke when I snapped the picture.

This is one of my favotire lots. The color is so bold and the floor plan is very different from any of my other creations.

White Cake Lot 42K

This is a remake of my pink cake house. I improved the floorplan and took out some extra walls. Got rid of the elevator. It took the lot that was 54k down to 42k. Still not low enough for a starting out sim, but a great house when the start up lot gets bugged. The lot comes with lots of snaps and a white car in the driveway. (as is sleeps 6 sims)

Top balcony. Ready for stargazing and (crossing fingers) alien abductions.

3rd floor: A nursery that could easily be changed into a bedroom for a double bed.

2nd floor: Kids room, sleeps four. Bathroom and extra area. The extra area could be used as a single desk study. Currently has a few career rewards.
1st floor. Double bed bedroom, with study next door. The study could be changed into a nursery. Living room, kitchen, bathroom. No table. With all the snaps the sims never eat anyway.

Retirement Center: Here are a few pictures of the graveyard at the retirement center.

View: Back yark toward street.
View: Street side toward back yard.
A view of several graves.
This is Daniel Pleasants grave and the second sim to vacation with grimy. I had 2 GCS sims in my challenge. A father and son team. I orbed the son when he was a teen, so he grew up eating GCS with his father. It made for cute pictures. All the clicking can drive a person batty. I was glad to get their IW done and had no interest to repeat it again. I found GCS to be a point maker in Legacy(aspiration points for elixir), but the opposite was true in the prosperity challenge. Since the son was a cheese head from teen on, I didn't spend time on his skills. He managed one top of career in his elder years. I could have elixir'd him, but was tired of the endless wants to eat gcs, make gcs, serve gcs.