Pleasantview Journal

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Another view of the trees the sims planted.

Friday, June 23, 2006

This is what Pleasantview looks like the last time I played.

After adding a bunch of shops to my neigbhorhood, loading between lots was at a crawl and then it froze during load the next time I played. So, I restarted at my last saved spot (lost 10 played lots). I'm not exactly sure why the game locked up during load. The last thing I did prior to the issue was adding some created shops to downtown neighborhood lot. In hopes to avoid the problem in the furture, I cleaned up my neighborhood. Deleted all the maxis created lots in Pleasantview and extra decorations (tree's, boats, water tower). Moved sims off some lots that seemed to be acting oddNow the game runs better than it had in a while. I wonder if some of the lots were bugged and I didn't know it or if the decorations cause the slow issue.

I added a new neighborhood just to add shops to earn the 15 shop/house business passed down 3 Generation bonus. So far, I have about 5 lots that have 15 purchased lots and the game is running as fast as it always did. I don't plan to add a bulk amount of lots to avoid the lock up problem again just in case that was the issue. Must remeber to back up the neighborhood before adding a bunch of lots. Live and Learn.