Retirement Center: Here are a few pictures of the graveyard at the retirement center.
View: Back yark toward street.
View: Street side toward back yard.
A view of several graves.
This is Daniel Pleasants grave and the second sim to vacation with grimy. I had 2 GCS sims in my challenge. A father and son team. I orbed the son when he was a teen, so he grew up eating GCS with his father. It made for cute pictures. All the clicking can drive a person batty. I was glad to get their IW done and had no interest to repeat it again. I found GCS to be a point maker in Legacy(aspiration points for elixir), but the opposite was true in the prosperity challenge. Since the son was a cheese head from teen on, I didn't spend time on his skills. He managed one top of career in his elder years. I could have elixir'd him, but was tired of the endless wants to eat gcs, make gcs, serve gcs.
View: Back yark toward street.
View: Street side toward back yard.
A view of several graves.
This is Daniel Pleasants grave and the second sim to vacation with grimy. I had 2 GCS sims in my challenge. A father and son team. I orbed the son when he was a teen, so he grew up eating GCS with his father. It made for cute pictures. All the clicking can drive a person batty. I was glad to get their IW done and had no interest to repeat it again. I found GCS to be a point maker in Legacy(aspiration points for elixir), but the opposite was true in the prosperity challenge. Since the son was a cheese head from teen on, I didn't spend time on his skills. He managed one top of career in his elder years. I could have elixir'd him, but was tired of the endless wants to eat gcs, make gcs, serve gcs.
i've only played an elder as gcs and she got frustrating after a while. so i know what you mean.
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